Saturday, February 7, 2009

Cover Letters- Are they really required?

Cover Letters - Are they really required?

Whenever you submit a resume you know that the person receiving it will likely be seeing MANY resumes for the same position. Avoid the tempation to skip the cover letter.

You will be using the Cover letter to make an impact. Just make sure it's the impact you are hoping for. I once received a cover letter that was single spaced and four pages long - trust me this isn't the desired impact.

If the employer asks for a cover letter make sure you include one. If the employer doesn't specify that they require one it's still good etiquette to include it.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

- Look up the accurate name and address of the organization.

- Ensure there are no typos or grammatical errors.

- Keep it brief. You really shouldn't need more than two paragraphs.

- Make it easy on the eyes. Ensure that there is "white space" on the page.

- Tell the employer why you are good for the job. This is your chance to highlight how you fit. Imagine you are sitting behind them an pointing to your resume to show them what is important about you and how you are perfect for the job. Think of your cover letter as a yellow highlighter.

- Use an interested and enthusiastic tone.

- Thank the employer for their consideration.

If you are submitting your resume by email attachment the body of your email can be your cover letter. Use the same format as a formal cover letter. If something is specific to the position (an advanced degree or certification)and you possess it you can bold the font (use sparingly) as well.

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