Monday, February 9, 2009

A Journey of a Thousand Miles

"A journey of a thousand Miles must Begin With a Single Step"

This weekend the associated press published the U.S. job stats from the labour department in Washington and indicated that the number of unemployed workers climbed to 11.6 million in the U.S. With the average time it took for an unemployed person becoming 19.8 weeks compared with 17.5 weeks a year ago.

At first I was really brought down by this news and then I started reading some quotes and realized what should we do with this news? Here's what I came up with:
Work even Harder, and better yet work smarter.

Realize that you have to stay positive and start immediately to search with all the tools you can find. The most important tool is your mental attitude.

Who cares what the news says? There are still opportunities and you can find them.

Keeping your attitude positive can be hard but it will benefit you.

So my tip today would be skip the news and read some motivational material instead because after all, as Lau Tsu wrote, "A Journey of a Thousand Miles begins with a single step".

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