Saturday, March 28, 2009

Knowledge is Power - Preparing for an interview

Knowledge is Power

One of the best ways to come out ahead of the competition in an interview is to make sure you have done your homework on the potential employer. This makes a great impression, shows that you take initiative, and will also make the employer feel you value what they have to offer. If it comes down to you and another candidate with a similar background this could be the element that tips the scale in your favour.

Here are some sources for company information:

Corporate website - Always make this your first stop. Check out the about us, our history, or about our product tabs usually located at the top of the homepage.

Company Directories - these can be found in the reference area at the library or online. These will normally give you information on number of employees, product, locations and annual sales numbers.

Company News - Look to the news media for information that is additional and separate from corporately released information. Just do a google search putting in the company name AND news AND the current year and the search should give you some results about what is new. If the company and employees are involved in supporting charity events you would find out about it here. If there are negative news stories you'll find them this way as well. If it is a smaller private company searching the local newspaper would yield information that might not be available any where else.

Industry Journals - If you are focusing on a particular industry it would be good to have an idea of who the competition is and where they are located. You'll find information about the industry as a whole in an industry journal. News and trends within the industry will be helpful knowledge during an interview.

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