Tuesday, February 3, 2009

AFTER THE INTERVIEW - Improve your odds

Post Interview Follow Up

When you are in an interview make sure you ask for the business card of the people that are representing the company at the meeting. You will need the email addresses in order to write a thank you email. This actually is a great way to improve your odds and make you stand out above the competition. Here's a little blurb from an article about the subject of post interview thank-you's.

It Pays to Remember Your Manners...
Job seekers appear to be missing out on a prime opportunity by neglecting to thank their interviewers. More than three-quarters (76 per cent) of 100 Canadian executives polled said sending a thank you note following an interview can improve a candidate's chances. But, they estimate that only one in five (20 per cent) actually does so. These numbers are down slightly from five years ago, when 79 per cent of executives thought it influential to send thanks and 23 per cent of applicants took the time to thank their interviewer.
Source: Canadian HR Reporter September 2007

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