Wednesday, February 4, 2009

WHERE DO I START? - Looking for a Job

Where do I Start?

I often have people ask me where should they start their job search.

My usual first advice is online. This is by far the most efficient and effective way to find out what jobs are out there.

The first places to look would be on local job boards in your area. For example, we have a job board locally that caters to just local employer/job hunters called knighthunter. The other national job boards that are the biggies, and worth having a look at, are and

Job aggregates are great as well. (or for Canadians) has an aggregate that includes corporate and agency positions and is a fantastic place to start as well. It is super easy to use and aggregates all the corporate websites that are advertizing positions.

There are tons of resources on line but these are all good starting places with good quality content.

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